Saturday, April 16, 2005

this is a test

Just wanna try to post using my BB. If it goes thru, my company is gng to be very happy coz I am gng to bring my BB along. Then again, I think it doesn't make much difference to them, coz I dun think I wanna respond to any ofc mail. Hehehe... But it means the I'll be able to haolian on my holiday! Muahahahha!!


Anonymous said...

U have Hao Lian-ded! hahaha!

BB is cool... you can always say it's a personal edition not a not Corp one. heee

aud said...

budden sekali island no network i LL lor... :S

Anonymous said...

Blackberry lor.. these few days very very tired... N very very busy.. n very very stressed.. Haiz...