Friday, April 15, 2005

HJ's craving for Pasta Fresca

i think she's Tina again... had a craving for Pasta fresca since like... Tuesday? hmm.. anywayz, met up for dinner with del n ppk n of coz HJ at Boat Quay... met up wif HJ at Raffles' Place mrt station.. and guess wat... we lost our way... HAHAHAHA.. yes... we came out from the wrong escalators.. twice at least.. then we came up from OUB Centre... ei? still wrong... sigh.. no sense of direction... i only noe how to go to places i frequent.. e.g. HOME.. hehehe... FINALLY, PPK called, and provided us wif directions.. muahahahhaha...!

ok.. dinner was not too bad, HJ finally had her Beef Ravioli wif her cream sauce... the 3 of us had calamari and our individual pasta... HJ could only watch us chew our calamari while waiting for her ravioli.. *burp* and it was interesting to make HJ laugh, when apparently she couldn't, except to giggle/snigger.. HEEHEE... then we went over to Coffee Club for drinks... and there was this band of 2 gals n a guitarist at the open area singing/screeching.. our ears couldn't take anymore n we quickly finished up our drinks n left...

after a few steps.. I caught sight of this woman doing the 'Cobra' pose in the middle of the grass patch outside the MRT station.. i went, "What the hell is that woman doing......" and burst out laughing... next thing? the rest were laughing uncontrollably AT ME...

what i saw was this:

cardboards... WTF do they hafta put these things there to freak ppl out at nite?! kaoz!

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