went to the Esplanade to watch The Sound of Music with pig... had dinner at the Jap restaurant.. damn.. can't recall the name.. ichiban something... i think... we had a bento each, plus some other side dishes... food was good, but the bill is BETTER... kaoz.. $60+ sia... *heartache* plus there was a slurring waiter, blur waitress who couldn't understand our engrish..
we proceeded to the concert hall after dinner, and was hoping to enjoy the musical.. dun get me wrong.. the musical is FANTASTIC! but was ruined by some cheapskates... me n pig were ALL alone in our zone, seated right in the centre of the circle seats... but environment changed later... anyways, before the show start, i tried to take some pics.. hehe..then was stopped by the usher saying, "No photography in the hall."
the first half of the show was great... the 'nuns' of the abbey... fwah... very good sia... esp Reverend Mother.. Power soprano... the storyline is slightly different from the movie.. they sorta 'compressed' it.. so the sequence of the songs were different, and they had some other songs not from the movie..
then came the intermission... and down came the cheapskates.. wat's the fucking point of getting the expensive tickets if i could have gotten a cheaper priced ticket, then move down to the expensive zone?! ok.. i might sound like a spoilt selfish bitch.. but wtf?! we felt so cheated! the usher only asked a few of those who moved forward for their tix, and simply dun bother after more of them did the same...!
some ppl are just such cheapskates!
WA.. u paid extra for nothing.
exactly! ugh!
notice i din say 'typical singaporeans', coz i definitely dun do that! cheapskates..
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