Porridge buffet and la kopi
met up wif the TP gang again today for dinner. we went to a Crystal cafe near Somerset MRT for porridge buffet.. *burp* brought the cam today and took some pix. but i think we missed out on a group foto.. darn!
here's a peek of what we filled our table with.. hehehe...
here's the 2 THIN ones who don't seem to grow FAT! no matter how much they eat... grrr....
"oh.. yummy.." hurhurhur...
oops.... ok.. i was concentrating on my eating, so i din take more pix.. hehehe... well.. i guess it's more than enuf evidence that we quite enjoyed our food... and it's cheap, $10 per pax... all of us left the place feeling full! hmm.. i guess not for Ying though... she was complaining hungry like 30 min later! *pengz*
here's Ying and me... can someone please tell me that i'm not seeing things..........
hehe.. they're just WeeKiat and Alan!
We proceeded for drinks next.. *burp* NYDC! Mr Teo actually said that NYDC=New York Digital Cafe :S
Da 3 ladies of the nite! Me, Ying and Irene
ok.. and here are the 'nerds' of our group.. hahaha...!
WeeSing and EeNam
the 'ghosts'? :D Alan and WeeKiat..
"hmm.. Coffee? Tea? or him...?"
Me and Ying again..
alamak.. i think my HP better sia... LOL..
After a tok kok session and comparing of HPs, PDAs, cameras, we finally finished our drinks and left for home...
Zzzzzzzzzz.. nitey nitez everyone... :)
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