Welcome to the Singapore Zoological Gardens!
the last time i visited the zoo was 2 years ago i think... with Bryan, LL, Irean, CL, SY... and i can't remember who else... Today went with Jo, CL, Kenneth and his gf..
Welcome to the zoo!
Guess wat! there's Ben n Jerry's!
The first animal we saw when we went in.. the Albino... err.. snake.
The Polar Bear! OK... i am short...
The first butt pic i took.. this is a Rhino's butt...
And these are...? Zebras' butts..
The King..s of the jungle...
hehehe... must prove that i was there at the zoo...
Penguins... farnie lot.. hahaha... was making them move their heads by waving a pc of paper.. hahaha! Left, right, up, down... Repeat x 10!
shhhh... a pair of frenching penguins.. hahaha!
"Gawdz.. wat am i doing here with this bunch of idiots?!"
The only show (other than feeding shows) we watched.
This is Rio, the orang utan. Although the tricks are the same, but still.. amazing!
CL posing as a statue..
Male baboon showing off his.. err... red "tool"...
Mama and sonny baboon..
The end of the trip! Thank you for coming to the zoo!
>wonders when i'm gonna step into the zoo again<
Awesome and no thanks to you... I'm sad.
Sad that I haben been to the friggin Zoo for so many already. hahaha!!
wah lau!!!! u managed to see the polar swimming!!!!!!
we waited and waited and waited and waited. The stupid polar just came klkk and refused to step into the water!!
and hor.. cute frenching penguins! hahahaha
Bassie: Organise a '动物园一日游' outing lor.. HAHAHAHA!!!
Chu: u were eating kit kat huh?
haha... we went for the feeding show mah... they throw live fish into the pool, so they had to swim to catch the fish lor..
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