Saturday, December 11, 2004

Wall Climbing - 2nd attempt

woot! i managed to climb more today.. 3x baby wall, 2.5x toddler wall, 3 min on bouldering (wif lai supporting my fat arse *grinz*).. although still not a lot, but much better than last wk.. hehe.. got a bit of cheng jiu gan.. :D however still dun dare (no guts lah) try the more difficult walls.. watching lai wif envy.. haha.. but i AM a good belayer ok.. a VERY STEADY one.. :P

saw aizan at the centre just now.. *grinz* and he gave me his number *blush*.. hahahah!!! so that we can get cheaper shoes from HK.. but first we'll nid to go somewhere to get the brand and size of our fit...

meanwhile, chiu sng ah...

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