Friday, December 10, 2004

9 Dec 2004 - Irean and Jo's Birthday!

came in in the morning, not feeling too chirpy.. was still down.. damn! where's my pineapples!

dragged thru the whole day doing my test cases, etc.. BORING.. almost to the end of the work day, she call me on my HP to get me to do things! Being a nice n sweet gal *grinz*, i HAD TO do it..

went thru the system, realised that she had actually started since afternoon 3pm?? and she's asking me to do it like.. 5.50pm??! then i realised she wanted to charge the damn handheld, but guess wat..? THE SWITCH WAS NOT ON!?!? damn sotong lor!! in the end, i had to switch between the damn charger and the SMR.. ok.. so the genius, ME, saved the day later by completing the job. SWEE SWEE! hurhurhur...

AND THEN.. our dear LL, late as usual... ugh! another catalyst..

AND THEN! when i tried to reply a SMS, i realised i couldn't send it out.. try again, STILL cannot.. fine.. i knew something wrong liao.. tried calling ah lai's fone.. dammit.. CANNOT GET THRU.. FUCKER! (ok.. story is.. i received a warning sms the day before, so i was SORTA prepared for this.. but i din expect that it really would be cut off?!)

so when i reached Hua Yu Wee (Upper East Coast Road), made a call to HIM.. he said he paid today.. tsk.. fine.. asked him to call M1.. when he called me back, i could make the call out.. WTF? i THINK he called them, then told them that he had paid oreadi, so they connected it back.. bu ke neng when lai called me can get thru, but i couldn't call out earlier.. ok.. watever.. as long as i still am able to use my fone..

ok.. now to go on abt my nite life just now.. HAHAHHA..

nice to have 2 frenz with the same birthDAY.. not the date huh... muahahaha..!! asked my dad to reserve a table for us at Hua Yu.. haben been there for quite a while, kinda missed the food... we ordered:
1) 2 Chilli crab + 10 mantou
2) Drunken prawns
3) Tofu
4) Spinach
5) Deer meat hotplate

LL and Irean had 3 mantou each altogether.. steady.. i had 1 and couldn't even finish my rice.. Chilli crab wasn't really up to standard... then again, they are famous for their BP Crab.. maybe next tym got chance eat that.. :D but the c-food quite fresh.. heng ah.. otherwise they'll kill me for bringing them to a sucky place.. :P Tofu everyone oso say nice.. :) deer meat.. ehh.. baby deer maybe? not enuf meat..? portion v small...

but i certainly hope that they enjoyed the dinner lor.. then we took a few pics here n there after that.. will upload one here if Jo send the links to us..

:: Updated on 23Dec2004 ::
The 4 babes

The Birthday babies

after a SUPER FILLING dinner.. we decided to go over to Newsroom (again).. this time... HAVING FUNCTION!? sigh.. LL and Irean's luck... *shakes head* last time at Mt. Faber oso like that.. out of 365 days, pian pian choose those days to have functions.. sigh.. in the end, went to LPS to fetch Jude and went up to Mt. Faber.. :) at least this time round no function on the hill lah.. :P

-sidetrack a bit- Jo's driving getting faster n faster.. :-S

ok.. Mt. Faber.. saw the same waiter, played the same games, BUT still had loads of fun.. had a game of Pool wif Jo, dunno he purposely 'put water' or wat.. in the end, i heng heng finished all my balls.. WAHAHHAHA!

ordered a flaming lamborghini for Irean.. (DUNNO HOW TO SPELL LAH!) HAHAHA.. steady... finished everyting in ONE SUCK! heehee... and i'm so SORRY ah lai for making u drink so much.. HAHAHAHA.. u too suay leh.. not my fault actually.. but we're supposed to make the birthday babies drunk hor? :P

enjoyed the presence of my frenz, doing things together, having fun together.. really will miss all these if LL goes over to US.. I WILL MISS U!!

-sidetrack again- Jo's driving got FASTER.. issit the booze? :-S

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