Thursday, July 05, 2007

Suddenly, I'm feeling like one of those mothers out there.

Writing about their babies, submitting photos of their kids and getting EVERYONE to vote for him/her.


But I didn't submit this picture up for voting ok? Pig did it.

Steps to vote:

  1. Go to PLC and register
  2. Then look for Prince (Shih Tzu) in Pet of the Month (Jul)
  3. Click on Vote
  4. Check the email you used to register
  5. Copy the link* provided in the mail and paste into a new browser
  6. Click on Activate Vote
* e.g. asp?pid=1759&mid=14212
Remember to copy the whole url cos the hyperlink provided does not bring you to the correct Activation page. =(

A lot of steps hor?
But, do it for my baby even if it's not for me k?

Thank you so muchie! =D

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