Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interesting weekend.

1. 趴地-ed with them gals at St. James.

A Gwen N 2 Auds :)

2. Saw an almost-naked uncle strutting around on stage, in ONLY white undies and wings.

Drama King

3. Saw Sly up close, and took a pic of him with my fone in between my sagging boobs.


4. Took a pic of the cool geetarist too. No pic of the even-cooler bassist though. :(

The kool geetarist

5. It was a carbo-filled weekend for me. :D
Sat - Eggs n Toast for breakfast, Sandwich@CafeDelMar for lunch, Beehoon for dinner/BBQ, Beehoon for supper.
Sun - Chicken Rice for lunch

Bkf at Toast Box Vivo

Bkf at Toast Box Vivo

6. Considering that this was a Choir gathering/outing/chalet, we've had enough gossips sessions for any saint to lose a wing that day. Hehe.

7. Losing sleep even though it's the weekend. Due to bad sleeping conditions. VERY BAD sleeping conditions.

8. Saw things I shouldn't see.

9. Did NOTHING in Sentosa.
Except staying in the room, BBQ, and walk in the rain from public car-park to Cafe Del Mar for lunch... Until we went home on Sun.

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