Monday, July 23, 2007

I promised to write up one for her, and so here it is! :)

50 things I know about Del

  1. Her birthday is 19 Jan.
  2. Chinese name is 许洁莹.
  3. Chinese Zodiac is 马, whereas the rest of us are 羊. =D
  4. She's her parents' only daughter.
  5. She used to hang out a lot with her Godsis, Cheryl Chee.
  6. She attended catechism at St Teresa's Church.
  7. She only sits with Cheryl in catechism class.
  8. She was really shy and quiet (looking) when we were younger. I really wonder what made her change.
  9. Her parents recorded her reciting "This Little Piggy" when she was really young.
  10. She still has _that_ cassette. I think.
  11. She doesn't swim.
  12. She cannot swim.
  13. She doesn't own any swimsuit.
  14. She can't fit into the bikini we bought her no more.
  15. She's the eldest of our Pri STC gang.
  16. She donates to the gang on every mahjong session.
  17. She get songs stuck in the head all the time.
  18. She enjoys that I give her the dreaded ear-worms. *grin*
  19. Most, if not all, of her cousins thinks she's spaz.
  20. I think most/all of her friends thinks she's spaz as well.
  21. She has lots of friends whose names starts with 'Char'.
  22. She has moles EVERYWHERE.
  23. Her stomach is divided into 2 portions. 1 for the main courses, the other for the desserts.
  24. She dances funny.
  25. She can't pee easily when high on alcohol.
  26. She goes, "Hey, wassup." when she's on the phone with her bestest sister.
  27. She burps before she eats.
  28. She burps when she's eating.
  29. She burps after she's done with eating.
  30. She burps LOUD.
  31. She burps softly.
  32. She can't burp and fart at the same time.
  33. She likes her spaghetti with lots of Tabasco.
  34. She mews when she see cute dogs.
  35. She can't take diary products but eats pizza and drinks latte.
  36. She got sick the day after she arrived in Seoul, then got well on the day we left. She must be allergic to Seoul.
  37. She is as L.A.M.E. as me.
  38. She makes me laugh.
  39. She laughs at my jokes.
  40. She makes me feel that my humour is not wasted.
  41. She knows who I'm referring to when I start waving my hands in the air.
  42. She finishes my sentences most of the time.
  43. She seldom gets angry. And when she does, one must beware...
  44. She dislike being called "DaDa" by a certain someone.
  45. She cannot have longer-than-now-hair cos it's always so pong.
  46. She is also fondly known as 如花. (see No. 22)
  47. She is hug-able.
  48. Has lay-able tummy.
  49. And lean-able shoulders.
  50. Lastly, she loves me!

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