Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm tired.

So tired that I still can't get to sleep at this hour.

The body is tired, but the mind can't stop moving.

How ah like that?

Came home at 5+ am last night this morning from a crazy time in Powerhouse and Dragonfly.

Was trying to take a shot of Sly... Alas...

I saw Sly performing live. =D *screams "It's My Life.................!!!"*

Left my keys in Ying's bag, so I had to wake the whole house up just to get into it.

Showered, checked some mail and fell asleep while playing a game on my mobile with wet hair at 6 am.

Woke up at 10+ am for facial.

Caught a 15 min nap before leaving house for a chalet at Aloha Loyang.

Happy Birthday Narz dear

Aloha had since upgraded. Very very different from the time I was there with my Poly classmates.


10 years ago.

Was there from 6 pm - 2 am. Losing me some taxi money of $17 from chua dai dee.


Oh well, at least I hitched a free ride home from Oldman.

And now I'm rambling nonsense on the blog while trying to make myself sleep by updating some TCs.

I hope it will work.

*yawn* -- and I really did while typing it!

I think it's working.

It HAS to work.

I'm imagining myself a statue later in church.


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