Friday, April 13, 2007

Newfound Jealousy

Fell in love with her voice and the band the night I went to Timbre with Del and grumppy. Her voice kinda remind me of Tanya Chua.

Came home and tried to look for all sorts of information about Shirlyn and the band.

The UnXpected is playing at Timbre every 1st Saturday of the month. We were lucky we proceeded to Timbre after TiTouDao that time.

She has just launched her album Newfound Jealousy on 7 April. Haven't got it, but soon. :D
Listen to the samplings of her album

Will be attending the album launch promo at Timbre tomorrow night.

See ya tmr night?

More links to Shirlyn and the band under "links i visit" at the right panel.

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