Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ya Jin @ Blk 510 Bedok North

The Yellow Ribbon Project - don't turn them away

Went to the stall (opened by 2 of my friends) at Blk 510 Bedok North for lunch today.

Food tastes as superb as the one in Chai Chee kopi diam 2 (OF COZ LAH... She's the original cook/chef from there what...) And lower prices too! Which means that you can eat MORE...!

It's open for business from 5.30 am till around 3 pm.

However, as business is TOO good, Nasi Lemak was sold out by the time we arrived (around 12 pm). To prevent disappointment, go earlier ok?

p/s: The 2 friends are not CL and KF. I have OTHER friends ok?


Anonymous said...

Wei, The pictures are so cool..haha..B wants to know how you do that and what software you use leh.


Shannon said...

I agree about the cool photo.... I like... teach me too...
Oh, and I tot it was KF too, u put her in the photo leh!!!!!!!!!!!!

aud said...

ehh... but it is KF leh...

Coincidentally, the 2 friends are also friends of CL and KF!

ho ho ho!