Saturday, September 16, 2006


Haven't been to the wet market for a long long long long long long (x 100) time.

This time bobian, coz I have to fry beehoon for the BBQ tonite.


Ying: This is JW's parents' stall. hahahaha!

After preparing the beehoon enough to feed 30 ppl (at least), the sky isn't looking very beautiful leh...

How to BBQ with rain???

In the end, made tonnes of calls to everyone to get them to come to my place instead.
Set up to BBQ at my corridor.
Luckily my neighbours didn't complain or call 999 with all the smoke.

Can u see the Baileys on the table?

Cute hor? She's very cooperative when there's food...

Heng aa... the BBQ was a success afterall!



churra said...


is that JW's mom???

aud said...

i think so leh... the one in blue lor... not v sure if the guy in stripes is his dad...