Wednesday, June 15, 2005

steamboat dinner at suntec

met up wif the Poly gang again, but this time no Ying.. she's not feeling too well.. poor thing.. if u're reading this, please EAT MORE TO BUILD UP UR BODY.. EAT! otherwise, burn that charcoal!

thank you for ur attention..

Limin finally managed to meet us this time... at least she looks better than the time i saw her at the hospital.. but she's so thin sia... sigh..

we went to Joacquim for steamboat.. darn.. all the fasting i did all gone to waste.. sob.. the food's not really fantastic, but OK lah.. dun think i'll try the 2nd time..

as usual, those guys made us laugh.. example..

Q: 3 women eating ice cream, A bites, B lick, C sucks. How do you know who is married?
A: The one with the wedding ring.

Surpisingly, our renowned blur queen got the answer.. hahaha... GUYS... can't think CLEAN... they din dare to answer. ahahah!

then our discussion went back to poly life.. like how Alan din noe how to turn on the puter on our first lab lesson.. HAHAHA... had to ask Chee Leong for help...
we also tried to list out the names of the rest of our yr 1 classmates... Ee Ming (Ee Nam's "brother"), Najib, Adrian (the coke drinker), Shah, Jasmine (who has a shop in Bugis Village), Annie, etc...
the most shocking is that we've actually known one another for 9 freaking yrs! fwah... and Limin casually mentioned, "wah.. we din age that much hor? everyone still look the same..." HAHAHAHAH... how old we are only woh... how old must we look? kakakakaka...

we proceeded to go home after a while.. Limin's bf came to fetch her and they sent me home... hehe.. how lucky i din have to take a long time to reach home..

on our way home, Limin asked ZY the question abt the 3 women... guess wat's his answer? The one sucking.. why? more experienced mah..!



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