Sunday, April 03, 2005

our Pope has gone to meet our Father

he passed away this morning... 3.37am SGT...

although i haven't been a very good, pious Catholic, am still saddened by his death... but it's also a relief for him.. suffering from all those illnesses and pain..

he's such a great and strict leader, and also a fatherly figure.. but yet the pic below never fail to make me smile...


watched Channel News Asia the whole afternoon today... i felt so sad knowing that i only knew him today by watching the clips on him, as well as the reports on newspapers.. in the past, he's nothing but a name to me, a name i would recite every sunday during mass.. and not someone i looked upon as a leader of the Catholic faith..

suddenly want to become a better believer.. but then how long will this last? HAHAHAHA...

rest in peace dear Papal..

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