stoned tuesday
hehehe... was out for a drink with LL, Jud and Irean.. to celebrate LL's bday... but in the end, the 2 who got drunk were Jud n Irean.. hahahahaha!!! did drink quite a bit, but heng me not that suay last nite... think Irean drank the most for forfeit... :P well, the place is not too bad... i think coz it's quiet enuf for us to hear each other wifout screaming, and played not too bad songs at the same time... think we might be gng back on Fri after the concert... to finish up our bot of Gin.. haha!
dunno y i always feel something when The Reason is being played.. anywhere, anytime...
anyhows... i realised that i dun have any more tears to shed even though i still think of him... now it's just a heartache inside...
shared cab wif Irean.. haha.. cabbie was so afraid she'll puke in the cab, he even gave her a plastic bag.. kakaka... he's well prepared.. then he was saying how there's this time this ang moh cha boh threw up in his cab, n he puked while washing after that.. *turn green-blue*
when reached home, was chatting again wif LL on yahoo, uploaded the pix taken.. damn! we look good even when drunk! HAHAHA! only went to sleep at 3+ am.. my panda eyes are getting more obvious! hehehe... and still haben been able to sleep v well.. worried if i continue like that, really become owl liao!!
n i'm supposed to help Doink wif his flowchart, hopefully he'll sms me on the details soon... dunno whether i'll have the brains n strength to do it later...
now i just wished i had a bed in front of me...
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